Buzz, Nicole, Max, Bryce and Josie
Buzz Landon grew up helping his father Skip Landon with his bee business. Skip Landon was a side-line beekeeper running 300-500 hives for pollination and honey production. Working with his dad is how Buzz got his education into the bee business.
In 1997, in the trade of work, Skip set Buzz up with his first beehives. Upon graduation from high school, Buzz attended California State University, Chico, majoring in Plant and Soil Science while running his bees. Later, the fall of 2001, Skip decided to retire from the bee business and Buzz purchased his operation.
After graduating from college, Buzz spent the next four years managing a rice farm while trying to maintain and grow his bee operation.
Buzz and his wife, Nicole, spent evenings and weekends maintaining the hives and raising a few queens to add to their operation. In the winter of 2006, Buzz decided he could not continue to manage the rice farm and run his business and decided to dedicate his full attention to his bee operation. He started raising queens and packages for sale.
Today Buzz and Nicole run 6000 hives for pollination and raising queens, packages and nucs in Northern California and for honey production in the summers in Wyoming.
Buzz's Bees
“I am thankful that I get to spend my days doing what I enjoy. From a young boy I knew that I wanted to be a full-time beekeeper. Seeing healthy hives thriving is a wonderful sight to see”
- Buzz